So I just realized it has been close to 3 months since I wrote a blog post. Oopsie! I am still here plugging away. I have been in "maintenance mode" a little bit for the past few months. Not going gung ho but also determined not to gain weight. I am exactly where I was 3 months ago, so I feel good about that. I still have 10-15 lbs to lose, so I'm back at it this week.
I got to thinking about what it was I was doing differently when I was in "gung ho mode" vs. maintenance mode. Here are some examples:
Gung Ho Mode:
Diligently tracking my calories down to the last bite
Working out 6 days/week
Drinking at least 80 oz. water/day
Maintenace Mode:
Not eating like a total pig
Working out 3-4 times/week
Drinking water when I can
Sometimes one needs to go into maintenance mode even just for a week or 2 to keep from going insane. Losing weight is tough and it's mentally and physically draining. Taking a step back can be a good thing. As long as your maintenance mode is just a brief break and doesn't equal a binge session and turning into a total couch potato. That's just falling off the wagon.
I feel like after years of yo-yo dieting, I finally have it figured out. I know how to just live a normal life while also being conscious of my weight and my health. THAT is the result that I really wanted. I wanted to be able to change my lifestyle to where I can live like this forever and not worry about gaining the weight back.
I will try harder to keep this blog updated more often. :)
Have a Happy Halloween everyone and remember.....Halloween candy is for KIDS! Stay away! Seriously...back away slowly.