Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Losing Weight on a Budget

So here is the story of my love affair with Aldi.....

One of my excuses before was that healthy food was too expensive. Sound familiar? They built an Aldi near my house and I ventured in there one day and I was shocked! Whole wheat spaghetti? Hummus? Flatbread with flax? Almond milk? Stevia? This is not the Aldi I remembered. They have evolved and if you aren't shopping there you are missing out! Every time I go in, there is something new. I swear I almost cried the day I saw that they now carry natural peanut butter and it was less than $3. I was paying over $5 for natural peanut butter at Walmart. Regular peanut butter is TERRIBLE for you with hydrogenated oils that will spackle your arteries. Gross. I beg of you, switch to natural peanut butter. You can't tell a difference at all. In fact, ransack your kitchen and if anything has hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup, get rid of it. Hydrogenated oils are so 20th century. Sorry, I'm getting off track here, but I'm passionate about that.....

These are just a few of my staples. Protein bars (for breakfast), 50 calorie OJ,
Flatbread, yogurt and low fat cheese
These little peppers are so good dipped in Greek Yogurt dip or just by themselves.
And this is pretty much the greatest thing ever. I spread a little on flatbread
with turkey, cucumber, spinach and tomato and it's like a little gyro.
For our family of 4, I spend about $70-$100/week on groceries. Not bad. Their frozen chicken is all natural and I cook with it at least 2 nights/week. I use it to make baked chicken, chicken and brown rice, chicken fajitas, etc. In the summer we make chicken on the grill a lot. They sell Jennie-O's ground turkey, which is good in my spaghetti sauce. I love their frozen seafood, especially the salmon and tilapia. Thaw it out and sautee it with just cooking spray and some seasonings. Super healthy and really tasty.
Also, you can't beat Aldi's produce. Sometimes the strawberries and grapes are hit or miss but it's like that at any store. Their asparagus, peppers, broccoli, apples and potatoes are the best and way cheaper than even Walmart.
So are you getting the picture here? I LOVE Aldi. I love Aldi more than my daughter loves a good fart joke. I love Aldi more than my son loves flinging yogurt.
 It's possible to feed a family of 4 healthy food for less than $100/week. I lost all of my weight eating food from Aldi.
Jeez, I should get an endorsement deal!



  1. Say What!! Natural peanut butter doesn't taste the same, it tastes WAY BETTER! I didn't realize Aldi carried it! Sweet.

  2. I agree that it tastes better! Once you go natural, you never go back! ;)

  3. I buy a bunch of the fit and active at Aldi. Love that store!
