I'm only going to post about this once because I don't want to be annoying about it, but I'm so excited about it that I feel like I would be doing a disservice to not share it with you.
Back in May I went to a Freezer Meal Workshop for Wildtree, a company that sells all natural and organic spices, rubs, oils, bread mixes, etc. Basically you pay for the spices and oils (the "bundle") and then you bring the proteins and veggies already prepped in freezer bags and then assemble everything at the workshop. The total cost is around $120-$140 depending on what proteins you buy and it comes to about $2/service, which is cheaper than fast food and WAY healthier and much tastier. You leave with 10-20 meals that you freeze and then pull out on a busy night. I'm talking really good meals like Lemon Rosemary Pork Tenderloin, Italian Meatloaf, Chipotle Lime Fajitas, Honey Balsamic Chicken and much, much more. The first night I made something we were just blown away. Every single thing we had from that workshop was amazing. Like, way better than the way I had been cooking before. The great thing is that it was all super healthy and I felt good about feeding it to my family. I forgot to mention that you leave with at least half of the spices and oils to cook with for future meals. You can go to the Wildtree website and click on recipes and type in the product you want to use and find many recipes. Very cool! The oil are grapeseed oil, which has half the saturated fat of olive oil and it can be cooked at a high temperature and it doesn't burn off like other oils. It comes in many flavors, like basil pesto, zesty lemon and hickory bacon. (Yes, bacon! And it's healthy!)
I loved it so much that I decided to become a representative. These products are helping me stay on track with my healthy eating and I want to share it with the world. This stuff is awesome! I have my first workshop on August 6th and I am so excited!
If you would be interested in hosting a workshop or would like to come to one of the monthly workshops I'm going to be hosting, you can reach me at kacibeatty@hotmail.com or you can message me on my Peace, Love and Healthiness Facebook page here. If you just want to look at my website to see what it's all about or you would like to order something, you can check that out here. I should mention that if you host your own workshop, there are very good hostess rewards. I'm talking free stuff, people! :)
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